Waiting 12 weeks to announce our pregnancy was the hardest thing to do! Both of my girls were a surprise and didn't necessarily have the best timing so telling everyone about their pregnancies was actually something we wanted to wait as long as possible to do! haha So this being our first planned pregnancy we were over joyed and so excited to spill the beans! So we told our families in person but to put it out there on social media to our friends and "acquaintances" we posted this pic.
This is the first ultrasound we had done and the babe was a little peanut at this point. Then i put a heart on the due date and put in my positive pregnancy test and wrote on there baby Johnston. Everyone was in shock! Since our oldest was 9 at the time and our youngest 7 I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were done with babies. SURPRISE. :) So once we had this exciting part out of the way I couldn't wait to plan a gender reveal party. Although I'm a punk and had to find out in the ultrasound room, we had the party to reveal to our daughters and our closest friends and family. I just served little finger foods and had a chart going around for everyone to put in their guesses and name suggestions for either sex. Then came the big reveal! We had the woman at Fulton paper fill a giant sized balloon with the coordinating color confetti. I had my girls wear the color that they were hoping for and I wore both colors to try not to give it away. We popped the balloons over our heads and the confetti went everywhere!! I'm literally still picking some up in random places and the baby is 6 months old! Any who. Here it is....The big Reveal!!!
It was a bit hard to tell because some of the confetti was mixed with purple but...its a boy!!! We honestly didn't think it was possible for us to have a boy! The look on My husbands face when he found out was priceless. He actually turned white as a ghost and didn't say a word for like 5 minutes straight. Lovely lady #1 was ecstatic because she was rooting for a boy, lovely lady #2 not so much. She was actually pretty devastated for quite some time, until she actual met the prince and not shes head over heels in love. :)
And here I am just one week before he made his debut. Waiting very impatiently in his rocking chair. Details on my shower and his woodland themed nursery to come! This whole experience has just been too perfect. I am definitely one lucky Lady.
"The Days Are Long, But The Years Are Short" Cherish every moment. :)
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